Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

40k Poll: How many 40k armies are enough?/do you have?

How many 40k armies are enough? How many do you have? Poll is on the left and feel free to comment below. I had to take a break recently from my hobby craft and am currently getting re-organized so I can jump back in. Something I realized more so than in the past is how many armies I could theoretically field. I have the parts and or models that IF I actually finish them I could field 12 armies of tournament size. How many are currently tournament ready? Assembled, minimum of 3 colors, flocked, and WYSIWYG? Zero. Goose egg. Null. Zip. Nada. Yup that's right not a single one.  For casual games I have tons assembled and WYSIWYG but not a single army is full painted. How many other people out there are the same? Where do you draw the line and start cutting back on how many models you have? Comments welcome.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Tyranid WIP

"The hive mind said this would happen if we ate too many Ultramarines."

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Void Shield Generator Spotted


Monday, March 17, 2014

Updated 6th Ed Allies Chart

Source: DJGietzen on DakkaDakka

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Updated 6th Ed Force Org Chart

I found this on Facebook. See the link for the creator.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Simplifying 40k Part 2: Ballistic Skill

Get rid of the chart and just say it like is the same way saves do. What does having that chart really add to the game? Nothing. All it does is confuse new players and doesn't help those of us who might be going senile.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Defiler to Knight Conversion

It turns out if you take a Chaos Space Marine Defiler and build it vertically using the claws as feet it's the same height as a Knight. I did this build today with some great input from my hobby group.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Knight Paladin: Size Comparison & Review

The model went together without any trouble and the arms if you're careful have a good amount of articulation. Thank you GW. Thank you. I played a game yesterday and for the most part it earned it's point. There was just one major thing I forgot when we started... what happens when super-heavies die. If this thing hadn't scattered just right and my friend hadn't rolled a 1 on the explosion chart I'd have been in big trouble. I got lucky. Lesson learn. Be very careful where you put it.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Simplifying 40k Part 1: Allies Rules

This is the first my posts on how I think we could chop the current rules just a bit without losing the flavor.

The allies rules.

1. Keep the force structure.

2. Completely ditch the who can ally with who matrix.
           GW wants us to buy models (as is obvious with Imperial Knights being usable by anyone). We want to buy GW models. This just makes it harder to figure out what to buy.

It also doesn't match the setting.

Tyranids are known to infiltrate planets and start cults prior to invasions. This could happen to any race not to mention they are a massive psychic hivemind that could just mentally dominate.

Orks have Freebooterz. 'Nuff said.

Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Demons... because both of them aren't know for infiltrating and lying?

All Space Marines are supposed to be gene-enhanced both physically and mentally. You're going to tell me that a hyper-intelligent general wouldn't form a temporary truce with one enemy to fight another?

I can come up with countless other examples.

3. Levels of Alliance rules don't really add anything and frankly aren't that fun. We've been playing doubles matches without them and they aren't missed. Just keep it simple. Two armies are "friendly" but can't share abilities.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

40k worded as Academic Papers

I had the idea of making book covers for some of my 40k books so people would be less likely to ask what I'm reading. He's a few of the ideas for alternative titles we came up with. Other ideas welcome.

A Doctrinal study of doctrine using dynamically generated if-then mind-mapping. - Ultramarines

Predatory fungi as seen in an accelerated Darwinian environment. - Orks

Human trafficking as a norm in a sadomasochistic societal construct. - Dark Elder

Egalitarian Transitions from Tribal In-Fighting Accelerating Technological Progression - Tau

Causal Conquest after Technological Enslavement and Hibernation. -Necrons

Entropic theology via paternal rejection-based retribution and sibling rivalry - Chaos Space Marines

Colonial trans-galactic omnivore morphology - Tyranids

A study of an advanced technological hedonistic society's collapse into feudalist tribal traditionalism - Eldar

Militant imperial feminist orthodox zealotry - Sisters of Battle

Subordination of cannibalistic avian descendants for statistical correction of tactical attrition modeling - Kroot

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Reaver Titan Progress

What do you use an empty beer keg and phone wire for?