Saturday, December 29, 2012

Battle Report: 2K Tyranids vs Tau

This is a test of a new battle report format we're tinkering with. I don't think we really stand a chance at documenting everything, so I'm trying to find a middle ground.

The Mission
The Big Guns Never Tire

The Battlefield
Hammer and Anvil

Turns Played: 4

Victory Points 6

Primary Objectives
1 Captured
4 Contested

Secondary Objectives
Slay the Warlord
First Blood

Lessons Learned
Perhaps walking the Hive Tyrant up the middle of the table wasn't the smartest thing I could have done.
I underestimated Piranhas.
Hammerheads hurt... a lot.

Predictions for Turn 5
The Tau Hammerheads would have wiped me off one contested objective and a Piranha would have taken me off a second.

Victory Points 2

Primary Objectives
4 Contested

Secondary Objective
Slay the Warlord

Lessons Learned
Never forget all of your weapons in your arsenal. I completely forgot each of my three Hammerheads had Smart Missile Systems and never used them. Doh!
Piranhas make great field sweepers against spore mines.
Big Tyranids have plenty of wounds to make them last a long time.

Predictions for Turn 5
Possibly clear The Swarmlord and a Trygon Prime off of my end of the table.
Move into center field with Devilfish and Firewarriors to take center objective.
Piranha and gun drones on the back table side overwhelmed.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Ichiban Painting is on Indiegogo

Ichiban Painting has launched an Indiegogo campaign to start a miniature company. If you're not familiar with Hugo he paints at the Golden Demon level and has been giving us great tutorial and unboxing videos.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Dark Angels Photo Compilation

I've pulled these from a few places around the web. They've been turning up the last couple of days. As always... I don't know where they started or who had them first. To the originator whoever you are... thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou.

Pics after the break/jump

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Review: Crusade of Fire

What you're getting...
Campaign Rules
Four new missions
Advanced Flyer Rules for Dogfights
"Arena of Death" rules are for gladiatorial combat in 40k
Demon World Rules 96 pages.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

4k pts of Apocalypse Space Marines vs Necrons & Tau

Why use a dry erase board for a 40k? Because being able to draw things like deployment zone on the table are awesome. Don't have any objective markers? Draw them on the table! Don't have any trees? Draw a tree line!

Imperium Deploy

Necrons Depoy

Turn 1

Turn 2

Turn 3

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Links Tab

I've been trying to update the links tab. If you have any sites that you would suggest please add a comment to this blog post. Right now I'm mainly looking for pages that sell bitz that are alternate options compatible with 40k miniatures but am happy to see anything else related to the hobby.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

New Chaos Space Marine Codex Review - Bullet Format

No long winded paragraphs. Here are my thoughts on what I think you might care about in easy to read one liners.

  • Helbrute = Chaos Dreadnought. The Chaos Dreadnought is gone but the Helbrute is for all intents the same.
  • Khorne Berzerkers, Thousand Sons, Plague Marines, and Noise Marines are all elite choices.
    • Can be taken as troops if you take the appropriate character.
  • No Legion specific rules except for the above 4 units and the usual Marks of Chaos, but no rules for Alpha Legion, Iron Warriors, Night Lords, Red Corsairs, etc.
  • No Cypher even though he's on GW site as an HQ choice for ordering (2 to 3 week despatch? possible clue?)
  • Chaos Cultists are troops and can take Marks of Chaos just like standard Chaos Space Marines
  • Chaos Spawn are a Fast Attack choice. 1 to 5 per squad at 30 pts each.
  • All rules and wargear updated appropriately in line with the new generation of the main rules.
  • No drop pods.
  • Fold out reference pages in very back

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Games Day UK 2012 Photo Compilation

I do not claim to have taken or be the source of any of the below photo nor do I know for certain the original sources. I have tried to list at the very bottom of this post where I pull all of the images from. I do wish to say to whoever did take any or all of this pictures thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou.

Pics after the break/jump

Friday, September 21, 2012

Subject: Please Identify - 1990's Thunderhawk - Resin not Metal???

I recently acquired this Thunderhawk. It is styled in a similar fashion to the 1990's Thunderhawk I remember when I first got into the game. The two key differences are that it is resin, not metal and the engines flare out instead of coneshaped. It is considerably smaller than the the Forgeworld model and very different stylistically. I have a theory that it may have been an unreleased Armourcast kit, as it looks similar to their style of parts casting. If anyone can identify where this model came from, I would greatly appreciate it. I am waiting on the model to arrive. When it does, I will post better pics. Thank you. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Dream Forge Games Leviathan Crusader: Review and WIP

Dream Forge Games Leviathan Crusader: Review and WIP

     The Leviathan Crusader was an eagerly awaited kit for many of us in the Wargaming Community.  Dream Forge Games was one of the early start ups to challenge Games Workshop in the realm of Gothic themed Science Fiction.  As I go through my build progression, I will give a review of how I felt about each stage and the quality of the model.  Before, I get into that, I think a general overview is in order.

     This is one of the best quality resin kits, I have worked with.  There were no vents or fill tubes to be removed, the mold release washed off very easy, there were no miscasts or uneven/misaligned parts, and there was very little flash requiring removal.  At first, I was somewhat intimidated by the sheer number of fiddly bits and custom cut pistons.  Fortunately, Dream Forge provides excellent instructions of the website; for the Leviathan Mortis.  I did not find any for the Crusader Variant.  So, I had to wing it for portions of the build.  According to the instructions, you start from the feet and work your way up.

    As you can see in the above photos, the feet are assembled and I am starting on the piston work.  I found a razorsaw to be the most useful tool in cutting the pistons to length.

     Once the pistons were cut and the legs posed, I was able to get a feel for how the finished product was going to look.  I was quite surprised by how well all the parts assembled and fit into place.

     It's crucial to line up the legs.  So that the you get the stance you want.  I worked on the torso and legs for about an hour before I glued them in place.

     Moving on to the arms.  This is where assembly got tricky.  The instructions, as I stated earlier, were for the Mortis Variant, which is equipped with a claw-hand-thingie and a Sickle.  So, I had to do a lot of work to figure out the arms for the Crusader.  Most of these parts were very similar looking, but fit together quite differently.  In the following pictures, you can see the step-by-step.

      I left the arms unglued, so that I could position them later.

     Without a base, the model is somewhat unstable.  So, I had to come up with a base in order to finish the kit.  Rhino pictured for scale.

     I used a CD for the base and molded air dry molding clay to get an earthy texture.  Then added some random vehicle bits for flavor.


     I still have some work to do on the base.  Since this is a Space Wolf theme, the base will be snow covered.  More photos to come shortly.

Friday, August 17, 2012

40k 6th Ed Starter box pics

These are showing up around the web right now. I don't know where they started but I thought I'd put them up in one roll. To whoever/whatever posted them originally... thankyouthankyouthankyou.